We were asked to look into the insurance arrangements of a client living in a substantial grade 2 listed timber framed country house dating from the 17th century. Despite the policy having been in force with the same insurer for over 15 years, the previous broker had not visited the property since the time that the policy had been incepted. We visited the property and pointed out that the buildings and contents sums insured were in need of serious revision, and the personal possessions schedule included items which had been disposed of or which should not have been specified. The client appointed us to review the policy, we presented new sums insured to insurers and revised the specified items. We pointed out the timber framed construction, the grade 2 listing and the fact that the client used oxyacetylene welding equipment in connection with his hobby. The insurers had been unaware of any of these facts and applied relevant premium loadings. We had at the same time investigated a more suitable high net worth home insurance policy which, when compared to the revised premium for the original policy, provided wider cover with higher limits at a lower premium. The only sticking point was whether the current security arrangements would be acceptable to the new insurer’s surveyor. We attended the survey, were able to give local input regarding likely police response to central station alarms, and a few minor physical security improvements were agreed. We transformed the insurance arrangements from out of date and unsuitable to accurate, correct and suitable whilst minimising the premium increase and risk improvement spend.